As regular readers of our Cornelia, Georgia, Personal Injury Law Blog undoubtedly know, there’s a long and bumpy history between the U.S. trucking industry and safety advocates. A new highway bill before Congress has the industry and advocates in familiar positions on...
Truck Accidents
What do you know about sharing the road with semi-trucks?
Perhaps you know someone who suffered an accident with a semi-truck while navigating Georgia's roads and want to avoid the same fate. You have several decades of driving experience, but could you use tips for sharing the road with large trucks? FleetNet America offers...
Why is drowsy driving such a problem for truckers?
All Georgia drivers deserve to travel on safe, risk-free roads. Unfortunately, some professional truckers do not always bring an adequate level of concern for safety to the job. In addition, the trucking industry sometimes normalizes certain roadway dangers, including...
What should I know about blind spots on a truck?
One of the most dangerous things Americans do every day is get behind the wheel of an automobile. There are many potential dangers that can end up with you being in an accident. To reduce risk, it is important to understand not only the laws of the road but also the...
Hours-of-service regulations for truck drivers
Fatigue can be a problem that plagues drivers, especially those who consistently spend extended periods of time on the road, such as truck drivers. Federal regulations require truck drivers to follow strict hours-of-service regulations in order to prevent drowsiness...
Car and dump truck collide on Georgia roadway
According to locals, motor vehicle accidents are a fairly common occurrence in the vicinity of Highway 204 in Savannah, Georgia. However, that does not mean that residents become inured to the troubling sights and sounds, nor to the frequent traffic delays due to road...
Georgia considers new ways to reduce truck accidents
Recently, a truck accident in Atlanta led to a trailer being set ablaze on I285 that blocked all lanes of traffic for hours on a Friday. These and other mishaps like it have compelled the Georgia Department of Transportation to find new ways to reduce the number of...
Distracted truckers pose a continuing hazard
At Cathey & Strain in Georgia, we represent numerous clients who have been injured in a crash with a truck. Consequently, we know all too well how dangerous it can be for you and your passengers when a huge truck more than twice the size and weight of your vehicle...